Taylor Ham Shirts – Jer-Z Wear https://jerzwear.com Its a Jersey Thing Mon, 31 May 2021 11:38:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://jerzwear.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-20210306_102025-32x32.jpg Taylor Ham Shirts – Jer-Z Wear https://jerzwear.com 32 32 It’s Taylor Ham Get Over it Shirts JerZ Wear https://jerzwear.com/2021/05/31/its-taylor-ham-get-over-it-shirts-jerz-wear/ Mon, 31 May 2021 11:26:22 +0000 https://jerzwear.com/?p=302 It’s Taylor Ham Get Over it Shirts Jer Z Wear…
Its Taylor Ham Get Over It Shirts by Jer-Z Wear
It’s Taylor Ham Get Over It

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The great Taylor Ham vs Pork Roll debate has raged on for years, kinda like Godzilla vs Mothra well it seems like that whenever this subject is brought up. All I know is that in the very early of one Saturday Morning of 1979 I was 8 years old my uncle took me to Ralphs Luncheonette in Maplewood NJ and asked me if I wanted a Taylor Ham Egg and Cheese. I nodded yes and to this day I have been calling it Taylor Ham ever since.

Now fast forward to 1990 one summer weekend in Seaside Heights, ok one drunken weekend and we stopped in a diner on our way back up to Kearny I was 19 years old and asked for a Taylor Ham Egg and Cheese. The waitress got snooty and said “You mean Pork Roll right” I looked at her cross-eyed in my almost hungover stupor and said yea sure. As I was sobering up I was looking at the menu and it said Pork Roll Egg and Cheese.

Ohhhh ok so some parts of Jersey call it Pork Roll oh ok good to know, even though they were wrong I get it, no worries but due to the invention of the internet, Facebook and many other social media outlets this really has become some kind of debate. It really has so we have come up with a design to settle it all !!!


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Its Taylor Ham Get Over it Shirts https://jerzwear.com/2021/01/01/hello-world/ https://jerzwear.com/2021/01/01/hello-world/#respond Fri, 01 Jan 2021 18:33:00 +0000 https://jerzwear.com/?p=1 Only a true person from Jersey knows full well about the great Taylor Ham Pork Roll debate. To be honest I had no idea it was even a debate at all, I have been calling it Taylor Ham ever since I was 5 years old in 1976. My Uncle used to make it for breakfast. It wasn’t until I was in my early teens I would go to some places that would call it Pork Roll.

Now through the introduction of social media a huge Godzilla vs Mothra debate broke our back in 2008 and has been going on ever since. And I mean some individuals are dead serious about it too a little too serious if you ask me but that’s the thing with Social Media you interact with many many many individuals that you normally would never see in your life.

Its Taylor Ham Get Over It Shirts by Jer-Z Wear

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