new jersey – Jer-Z Wear Its a Jersey Thing Sun, 09 Jun 2024 16:32:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 new jersey – Jer-Z Wear 32 32 Teaneck New Jersey Shirts Classic T-Shirt Sun, 09 Jun 2024 16:32:44 +0000 Teaneck New Jersey Shirts Classic T-Shirt

Teaneck NJ I have many friends from there, we used to meet up at Rutts Hutt to have a few Rippers then head up Route 17 and hit the exit. Back in the day not much traffic we are talking about the early 90s here when everything was still relaxed. So if you are from Teaneck or live there now show them where you are from.

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Neptune Asbury Park Exit Signs Classic T-Shirt Sun, 09 Jun 2024 06:38:24 +0000 Neptune Asbury Park Exit Signs Classic T-Shirt

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

I have a soft spot for Asbury Park I mean I have been to Neptune as well but let’s face it when it’s 1987 and it’s the summer before your Junior Year of High School where are you going to have more fun at? Well ok my experiences differ from others many like Neptune better than Asbury and that is ok I am just speaking for myself and on that note, I will shut my mouth and let you check out this awesome shirt and other products.


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Jersey Don’t Let Your Mouth Get Your Ass In Trouble Fri, 18 Nov 2022 06:08:34 +0000 Jersey Don’t Let Your Mouth Get Your Ass In Trouble

One of my Uncles most favorite sayings, and he always said it to me whenever I was about to talk back lol

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For Our Jersey Girls Sat, 05 Nov 2022 17:24:58 +0000 For Our Jersey Girls…

As a Jersey guy I love my Jersey girls, forget about the Bruce Springsteen song for a bit. I am a product of the 70s 80s and early 90s. I can remember my mom and aunt like many mothers holding down a job coming home to cook and clean making sure our homework was done and some mothers even when out to do a second shift afterwards because it needed to be done in order to pay the bills.

Jersey Girls have a confidence like no others not to mention have the biggest hearts and well, not to mention if you get into an argument anywhere they have your back even when you are wrong they got you.

And well will give you the most Dead Pan Sarcastic answer in under a second…

So we cooked up a few designs for our Jersey Girls…

Click Here For this Awesome Design from our Spring Storefront...

Click Here for this Awesome design from our Redbubble Storefront...

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Its Jersey Not Joisey Fri, 05 Aug 2022 00:31:24 +0000 Its Jersey Not Joisey

One of the most annoying things to ever say to a true person from Jersey is to say Oh You’re from Joisey. For years I have been living in Florida and people ask me so where are you from? I say Jersey, not New Jersey not Old Jersey but Jersey.

Then they try and be cute and say oh Joisey with a chuckle, now to be fair in their mind they are trying to break the ice and make a joke. But I fully assure you when you say Joisey implying that is how we sound or talk you are just pissing us off but some of us will be nice about it and some of us well will let you know to not ever say that to us again.

How did it all Start?

Years ago in the early 80s, Saturday Night Live was struggling to be funny again after the original cast was gone. So they hired a so-called funny man named Joe Piscopo. Now I will say that I loved him in the movie he did with Danny Devito Wise Guys. And a few other things he did, but as a young comedian, he did a skit that would forever change how may see us as being from the great garden state.

I tried to find it on youtube but for some reason, it’s not there, but in short, it was him standing in the weeds but either the Turnpike or Parkway I can remember it was the early 80s an I was like 9 or 10 but he kept repeating “Are you from Josiey I’m From Joisey” over and over and somehow that just stuck in people’s minds it’s not as bad now as it was years ago but you will hear it on occasion.

So thank You Joe Piscopo for absolutely positively nothing you Hump and we will have words if I ever see you.

So now you know…

It’s Jersey

See a second more direct design below in case the one above is too nice for you

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Jersey Style By Jer Z Wear Wed, 15 Jun 2022 10:46:17 +0000 Jersey Style By Jer Z Wear shows your Jersey Pride with our shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and many other items. All proceeds go to the JRX Foundation you can follow their adventures here

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It’s Taylor Ham Get Over it Shirts JerZ Wear Mon, 31 May 2021 11:26:22 +0000 It’s Taylor Ham Get Over it Shirts Jer Z Wear…
Its Taylor Ham Get Over It Shirts by Jer-Z Wear
It’s Taylor Ham Get Over It

Click this Link to order today

The great Taylor Ham vs Pork Roll debate has raged on for years, kinda like Godzilla vs Mothra well it seems like that whenever this subject is brought up. All I know is that in the very early of one Saturday Morning of 1979 I was 8 years old my uncle took me to Ralphs Luncheonette in Maplewood NJ and asked me if I wanted a Taylor Ham Egg and Cheese. I nodded yes and to this day I have been calling it Taylor Ham ever since.

Now fast forward to 1990 one summer weekend in Seaside Heights, ok one drunken weekend and we stopped in a diner on our way back up to Kearny I was 19 years old and asked for a Taylor Ham Egg and Cheese. The waitress got snooty and said “You mean Pork Roll right” I looked at her cross-eyed in my almost hungover stupor and said yea sure. As I was sobering up I was looking at the menu and it said Pork Roll Egg and Cheese.

Ohhhh ok so some parts of Jersey call it Pork Roll oh ok good to know, even though they were wrong I get it, no worries but due to the invention of the internet, Facebook and many other social media outlets this really has become some kind of debate. It really has so we have come up with a design to settle it all !!!


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NJ Salt Water Taffy Sun, 28 Mar 2021 11:42:44 +0000 New Jersey Salt Water Taffy…

Like many kids growing up in Jersey and going down the shore in the summer, one of the most amazing smells was when they made the Salt Water Taffy. It kinda smells like caramel corn with a bit of marshmallow kinda almost exactly like the Boardwalk candle. It’s is sweet and creamy with a hint of salt. And as a kid growing up in North Jersey you didn’t have smells like that this was definitely a Jersey Shore thing. My first experience was when our downstairs neighbor went to Asbury Park for the weekend and bought us back a few boxes. I had no idea what in the world it was, It was in 1979 and I was 8 years old at the time and it was the most amazing discovery of my childhood lol…

What is Salt Water Taffy???

Saltwater taffy, a type of taffy (a chewy and soft candy) that started in Atlantic City, Their recipe for saltwater taffy really does not actually include saltwater from the ocean, though it does usually call for salt and water, as well as sugar, corn syrup, butter, cornstarch, flavoring, and coloring.

 saltwater taffy gained its moniker following that offhand comment after the flooding in Atlantic City, there is really no difference between saltwater taffy and regular taffyThere was very little or no salt added to the candy over 100 years ago even till now.

Why is it called Salt Water Taffy Then?

Well from what I have found is that the most popular explanation of the name is that of a candy-store owner, David Bradley, whose shop was flooded during a major storm in 1883. His entire stock of taffy was soaked with salty Atlantic Ocean water. … And well he loved the name “saltwater taffy”, and that’s what it was called from then on.

New Jersey Salt Water Taffy Jer Z Wear

To be honest I really have to stay away from this stuff, I just simply cannot eat one or two. I can sit and easily shovel almost a full box into my mouth. I even love unwrapping it from its wax paper packaging call me crazy but its like unwrapping a Christmas gift lol it really is. Now you can basically find it in a few places like Shrivers (Pictured Above) and a few other places. I have to be biased here but Shrivers is just my all time favorite, it was the first brand I ever had and the best in my opinion ( Which means absolutely positively nothing) But yes I will travel all the way to their store in Ocean City and get a box or two.

Well ladies and gents its time for me to go, no rest for the wicked here. but thank you for reading my posts and of course being a part of the Jer-Z Wear Family.

New Jersey Pizza Shirts and other accessories

” Dear Other States Your Pizza Sucks Sincerely Jersey” We all know who has the best pizza and that is us the great garden state hell we got the best tomatoes to make the sauce…

Shop now

One Love…

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NJ Travel Mugs by Jer-Z Wear Sat, 13 Feb 2021 21:01:38 +0000 New Jersey Travel Mugs

Yes thanks to Redbubble we have Travel Mugs or Tumblers what the hell ever you want to call them. To see all the super cool things we have on our Red Bubble page YOU CAN CLICK HERE….

Some Of Our Super Cool Stuff…

NJ Travel Mugs Coffee Tumblers Jer Z Wear
Its Jersey not Joisey You Hump.. This is for those who think they are cute when they say Joisey

Thanks to that Douche Canoe Joe Piscopo who did a skit on Saturday Night Live in the early 80s. The you from Joisey I’m From Joisey one where he thinks it was actually funny. Well we are to tell you it isn’t and we have come up with this to let you know a real person from the great garden state says Jersey never Joisey.

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Newark Kearny Nj Travel Mugs and Coffee Tumblers

For those like me who grew up around Newark or Kearny. I had an awesome childhood I was raised in three areas Maplewood, Newark and Kearny. This is one of the reasons why I started Jer-Z Wear, I love my state and hometowns.

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Kearny Roots My Hometowns pt 3 Sun, 07 Feb 2021 15:55:42 +0000 Kearny Roots My Hometowns pt 3

If I wasn’t in Maplewood or Newark then I was in Kearny where my dad stayed and my Aunt and Cousins were there as well. My Aunt moved there sometime in the late 60s I believe when she got married my grandmother lived there as well this was my Irish side my dad’s side actually. They lived on the corner of Wilson and Devon st on the 3rd floor.

They moved on the other side to Wilson and Devon to a two family house sometime in the very early 80s they had the first floor. My dad first worked for Conrail then he got a job as a teamster delivering lumber for Morbach Kaslander. He would sometimes come to Maplewood for lunch when I was a kid and let me sit in his truck and blow the air horn.

I miss my dad he wasn’t perfect but he was a good man, and he loved me and that’s all I needed.

kearny nj jer z wear
My ’72 Impala in front of my cousins house 2019

Now Kearny is also Soccer Town USA and with good reason, my older cousin played soccer for Queen of Peace then Montclair State College. I’ll never tell him how proud of him I am but he was a stud and should have been picked for the world cup in 1990 not friggin Tony Meola I’ll tell you that but there is politics in everything right?

Kearny is a mixture of a city and a town, Kearny ave is very city-like while you have some nice friggin houses and some big houses too that are mansion-like in fact yea there are some million-dollar homes. But then you have South Kearny which is warehouses and industrial-like. Skyler ave between the Belleville pike and Harrison ave is kinda city like. An make no mistake Kearny is one place where you better know how to use your hands if not you will learn really quick.

Kearny at one time was mostly Italian, Irish, and Scottish and man did you know it. In the 50s-60s and 70s if you tried to cross the Clay St bridge from Newark you were kindly told to turn around and go home. Eventually, there was a Portuguese influx in the 80s and Kearny started being more diverse.

The Food Of Kearny…

Kearny is surrounded by awesome diners, a few ok pizza places like Pizza Land. And a few very awesome Sub Shops like Big Stashes on Kearny Ave and D&F Deli on Davis Ave. You do have a local Quick Check that used to make some good food, haven’t been there in a while. Sadly Kearny is starting to get the big chains there like Applebees ( You will never catch me in there just saying) WAWA and of course Walmart but Worse comes to worse I’ll go to Shoprite and get some deli meats and some bread ( For the record they got some badass sandwich rolls)

Stewarts root beer Kearny nj jer z wear
Stewart’s on Passiac ave

Sadly the Stewarts Root Beer on Passiac ave has been closed for some time now. I was lucky enough to eat there before is closed up for good. And there is a Teixeira’s Bakery on Kearny ave that is just fantastic.

For breakfast there is no other place for me other than The Bagel House on the Belleville pike the coffee has its days but the food is always fantastic.

big stashes kearny nj jer z wear
2019 at Big Stashes

Now keep in mind these are just my opinions, many out there may read this and have some different views and that is fine no worries.

Kearny in a Nutshell

Is it a perfect Norman Rockwell town? Nope trust me it has its issues maybe more issues than any other place. Parts of Kearny border Newark and Jersey City. And Kearny is not for the thin skinned but its also a place where everyone just about knows everyone. With all the bars on Kearny Ave and on certain surrounding streets you are bound to run into someone you know. Or everyone who wasn’t there knows you were there because someone saw you and told everyone you were there.

If you go to the local Shoprite on Passiac ave you are definitely running into someone you know. Again it’s a town/city it’s big but not too big if that makes any sense. A lot of episodes of The Sopranos were shot there, Satriales was on Kearny ave but sadly it was torn down after the series ended its now a parking lot.

I love Kearny its has the perfect mixture for me, and I learned a lot living there. My very fist job out in the world was the old J&L Auto Parts on Bellegrove drive. Sure my first job was pumping gas but that was in Maplewood across the street where I lived and everyone knew me.

J&L was right outta high school I knew no one and really had no real-life experience yet. A few months later in November of ’89, I would start a second job at Newark airport for FedEx and work both till I had to give up one. Somedays I’d sleep in Maplewood and other days at my Aunts it was starting to be too much for an 18-19-year-old. But Jim was an awesome boss and became a great friend even after I left J&L.

I loved living in Kearny for the two years I was fully there, staying at my cousins crusin the ave on weekends from 89 to 91 working for Jim. I learned a lot over the years and I am very grateful for it.

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