
Jer-Z Wear

Welcome to the world of Jer-Z Wear..

My name is Steve and I am the mind and mouth behind Jer-Z Wear and a few other of my Teespring and Redbubble Store Fronts. First and for most proceeds from my Store Fronts go to fund my 501C3 Charity The JRX Foundation.

Now I started Jer-Z Wear because I realized how much I missed my home state and hometown ever since I moved to South Florida. The food the people and most of all the weather. The seasons mostly now yes I do remember the back to back nor easters of the early 90s when I was working at Newark Airport and they were brutal but that is a part of live while living there.

Just like the Hurricanes you gotta deal with when you move to Florida, no matter where you live really there is always something. But out of all the 50 states there is just something about Jersey. You never hear anyone talking about Idaho or North Dakota like many talk about Jersey you just don’t. It’s kinda special really.

And well our shirts and accessories are for those like me who are not living there and miss it. Or for those who are living there and need to be reminded on who we are..

We hope you like our designs, now we do realize yea many of you will not like all of what we are putting out. But check in time to time because we just might come out with something you will.

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