1985 North Jersey Commercials

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1985 North Jersey Commercials

Depending on the time of the year these commercials aired I was either 14 or 15 years old. I can remember seeing a lot of these on my T.V. in my bedroom. Well, when I wasn’t playing with my Intellivision. At 51 years old today I cannot even fathom how advanced we are today with technology.

When these commercials aired there was no internet, cell phones, and the beeper was in its early stages, it was just a simpler time. We didn’t need things yesterday, we didn’t need Peppermint coffee creamer just regular milk was fine.

Ahhh don’t mind me I’m just thinking out loud.

About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

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