Welcome To Jersey Now Go Home

Jersey Life by Jer Z Wear

Welcome to Jersey Now Go Home

We like it when you come but even better when you leave…

Welcome to Jersey because no real Jerseayean actually says New Jersey but that is another post for another time. But sure come to Jersey and buy our Tomatoes and our amazing Pizza hell even stop by one of our amazing attractions like the Twin Lights Lighthouses.

But sadly if you can’t navigate one of our many jughandles or just simply go when the light turns green then you need to make your trip a short one. And “How You Doin” is a greeting, not a conversation starter, you see yes we can be nice but we also need to get on with our day as well… We just don’t have time to hear where you are from, what kind of dog you have in your little pouch that costs more than my ’76 Trans Am (Which is a lot thank you very much) .

So I say Welcome to Jersey…. Now Go Home…

About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

0 thoughts on “Welcome To Jersey Now Go Home

  1. Да,хорошо. Кладу 5.
    Это был 1995 год, когда Марк Ричард Шаттлворт, молодой южноафриканско-британский предприниматель, [url=https://www.rospromtest.ru/question.php?id=13956]https://www.rospromtest.ru/question.php?id=13956[/url] основал предприятие thawte.

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