For Our Jersey Girls

Jersey Girls from Jer Z Wear its a Jersey Thing

For Our Jersey Girls…

As a Jersey guy I love my Jersey girls, forget about the Bruce Springsteen song for a bit. I am a product of the 70s 80s and early 90s. I can remember my mom and aunt like many mothers holding down a job coming home to cook and clean making sure our homework was done and some mothers even when out to do a second shift afterwards because it needed to be done in order to pay the bills.

Jersey Girls have a confidence like no others not to mention have the biggest hearts and well, not to mention if you get into an argument anywhere they have your back even when you are wrong they got you.

And well will give you the most Dead Pan Sarcastic answer in under a second…

So we cooked up a few designs for our Jersey Girls…

Click Here For this Awesome Design from our Spring Storefront...

Click Here for this Awesome design from our Redbubble Storefront...

About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

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