The JRX Foundation and Jer Z Wear

jer z wear and the jrx foundation

The JRX Foundation and Jer Z Wear

Actually, I started Jer Z Wear for two reasons, 1st reason was the fact that I didn’t like the options that were offered to me to represent my home state that I love so much. I always felt I could do better than what is out there. And in my opinion, our designs represent the true Jerseyean.

And the 2nd reason is that all revenue from Jer Z Wear goes to fund the Non-Profit I started back in 2016 making it tax-exempt 501c3 in 2018 so I can do it full time. The JRX Foundation was started so I can feed and clothes the Homeless people and veterans I see every day on the street handing them out clothes, and hygiene packs to help them survive on the streets.

And then when a Storm or freak act of nature hits like Hurricane Michael or the Tornadoes in the Midwest we are there to aid in disaster relief and help during and after a tragic event. When the city of Newark had their mini-water crisis We Were There handing out bottles of water to people who could not get to the water stations due to the fact they had to work.

You can see all our adventures here on our Blog

You see many misconceptions about starting a nonprofit is that the donations just roll in, and that is very far from the truth. Now if you are a big established nonprofit like the United Way, Unicef, or pick your cancer cause sure they roll in.

Now with a small nonprofit like us then in short no. We however get some donations here and there to help out here and there but many times I have to take a side job here and there for a few weeks which I have no problem with but I lose valuable time where I could be doing my full mission instead of just the local stuff when I can.

That is why Jer Z Wear and our other online stores in conjunction with our Amazon Smile are important the revenue from them keeps me on the road full time in between donations and odd jobs.

So for those who have been buying our designs… Thank You.. You are helping us more than you know. For those reading this thank you for your time and now you know just how important Jer Z Wear is.

About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

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