Jersey Food The Sloppy Joe

Jersey Food The Sloppy Joe

First off I am not talking about a friggin Manwich, which is pretty tasty in its own right it made school lunches a little more tolerable. But I am talking about the best deli sandwich known to man, well at least in Essex County and a few other places as well.

I am talking about three slices of rye bread, your choice of Ham, Turkey, or Roast Beef. Some places gave you a choice of combining them. Slap on some coleslaw, Russian dressing, mayo, and a slice of swiss cheese and you have at least two pounds of pure heaven. Some places add or take a way certain things but no matter the combo it is one tasty delight.

nj food the sloppy joe
A perfect Sloppy Joe from the old Scott’s Deli in Maplewood before Scott’s it was the famous Nat’s

Sure you had your pick of places to get it from. Nat’s Deli in Maplewood until they sold the place and it became Scott’s Deli until sadly he retired and is no longer there. Then you have the Millburn Deli in well Millburn and a few other places.

But you have one of the most iconic places The Town Hall Deli in South Orange, they have been at it since forever. Well, it at least seems like it, the perfect family-owned business since 1927 yes I said 1927 since friggin horse and buggies. That is what’s called history folks, when I was a teen in the 80s everyone had their places that they thought were the best. With me, it was either Nat’s or Town Hall, and trust me it wasn’t an easy decision to make as a 16-year-old when you were working at the local gas station and wanted lunch.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of eating the Sofia Loren of Deli Sandwiches well I highly suggest you give it a try.

new jersey food delis the sloppy joe
The old Scott’s Deli formally the infamous Nat’s Deli back in 2011

Jersey Food NJ Foodies

There I said it and if you are a true person of the great Gard…

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About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

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