Awesome Jersey Pictures 1980s

nj pictures 1980s

Awesome Jersey Pictures 1980s..

Being born in 1971 I do remember the 70s but mid to late 70s, the 80s were my middle school and high school years and they were awesome years.

1985 Sea Side heights 1980s New Jersey
1985 Seaside Heights

Ahh the Jersey Shore for us it was Seaside Heights the boardwalk the rides, we even got lucky and had friends that rented bungalows for the summer and got to spend a day or two…

1980s New Jersey
1980 The Colgate Clock Jersey City
1980s New Jersey Pictures
1986 Egg Harbor JC Penny
nj pictures 1980s
1985 Nichols in Mapleshade
nj diners 1980s
Mack Diner 1983
nj pictures 1980s
Linden Ave School early 1980s
nj Pictures 1980s
Bayonne Refinery early 1981
nj roller rinks jersey pictures 1980s
Eatontown Roller Rink 1989
nj pictures 1980s

About the Author


Yes I am from the Great Garden State of New Jersey, after moving to Florida I realized there was nothing really I liked to represent where I was from so I created Jer Z Wear. And all proceeds go to fund my Non Profit The JRX Foundation

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